There are also other programming languages ​​than Python.

Other languages ​​can not work with Python code. If you would like to "talk" with such programs - pass them some processing information or to get results from them - you have to pass the information in a simplified form.


Most programming languages ​​have some numbers, some sort of lists, a variety of strings and some variation of dictionaries (or several ways to create dictionaries). And they have a way how to write True, False and None.

These basic types are usually sufficient for information handover in a legible form, although there are not the exact equivalents in all languages (Python has two basic types of numbers - int andfloat). So we will focus on them.

Data encoding

Another problem is data transfer: so for you to be able to write data on disk or transfer via the Internet, it has to be converted to a sequence of bytes (numbers from 0 to 255). Simplified: you have to convert it to a string.

There are plenty of ways to encode data into text. Each way is trying to find the right balance between legibility for people/computers, length of record, security, options and extensibility. We already know the syntax for Python:

    'name': 'Anna',
    'city': 'Prague',
    'languages': ['Czech', 'English', 'Python'],
    'age': 26,

Another way to write data is YAML:

name: Anna
city: Prague
   - Czech
   - English
   - Python
age: 26

Finally, there is also JSON (Javascript Object Notation), which, for its simplicity, has expanded the most:

  "Name": "Anna",
  "City": "Prague",
  "Languages": ["Czech", "English", "Python"],
  "Age": 26

Keep in mind that although JSON looks similar to code in Python, it's another format with its own rules. Do not confuse them!

At first I do not recommend writing JSON manually; let computer decide where to write commas and quotation marks.

JSON in Python

Object encoding in JSON is simple: there is a json module, whose loads method retrieves data from the string:

import json

json_string = """
      "name": "Anna",
      "city": "Brno",
      "languages": ["Czech", "English", "Python"],
      "age": 26

data = json.loads(json_string)

And then there is the dumps method, which decodes the given data and returns a string.

The string that dumps(data) returns is suitable for computer treatment. If you want to read it, it is better to set ensure_ascii = False (so that accented letters are not encoded with\) and indent = 2 (indent with two spaces).

>>> print(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii = False, indent = 2))
  "name": "Anna",
  "city": "Brno",
  "languages": [
  "age": 26


Write code to print the value of salary of Emma from following JSON string.

Try not to depend on the fact that her entry is first in the list)

sampleJson = """{


A complete description of json module - including write/read functions directly to/from files - is in the documentation.