
We have already talked about error messages. When an error occurs, Python complains, tells us where the error (line) is, and terminates the program. But there is much more that we can learn about error messages (aka exceptions).

Printing errors:

Let's repeat how Python prints an error which is in a nested function.

def outer_function():
    return inner_function(0)

def inner_function(divisor):
    return 1 / divisor


When we run the code it stops with an error and a message like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "example.py", line 7, in <module>
  File "example.py", line 2, in outer_function
    return inner_function(0)
  File "example.py", line 5, in inner_function
    return 1 / divisor
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Python can't know where the original error is that needs to be fixed, so it shows you everything in the error message.

Either we shouldn't call in_func with argument 0.

Or the in_function must be written to handle the case that the divisor can be 0 and it should do something else than try to divide by zero.

Raising an exception

In Python, an exception is raised by the command raise. The command is followed by the name of the exception we want to raise and an optional short description of what went wrong (in parentheses).


def verify_number(number):
    if number < 0 or number >= MAX_ALLOWED_VALUE:
        raise ValueError(f"The number {number} is not in the allowed range!")
    print(f"The number {number} is OK!")


What exceptions are available in Python? Python provides a hierarchy of standard (built-in) exceptions. This is just a subset of them:

 ├── SystemExit                     raised by function exit()
 ├── KeyboardInterrupt              raised after pressing Ctrl+C
 ╰── Exception
      ├── ArithmeticError
      │    ╰── ZeroDivisionError    zero division
      ├── AssertionError            command `assert` failed
      ├── AttributeError            non-existing attribute, e.g. 'abc'.len
      ├── ImportError               failed import
      ├── LookupError
      │    ├── IndexError           non-existing index, e.g. 'abc'[999]
      │    ╰── KeyError             non-existing dictionary key
      ├── NameError                 used a non-existing variable name
      │    ╰── UnboundLocalError    used a variable that wasn't initiated
      ├── OSError
      │    ╰── FileNotFoundError    requested file does not exist
      ├── SyntaxError               wrong syntax – program is unreadable/unusable
      │    ╰── IndentationError     wrong indentation
      │         ╰── TabError        combination of tabs and spaces
      ├── TypeError                 wrong type, e.g. "a" + 1
      ╰── ValueError                wrong value, e.g. int('xyz')

What does this hierarchy mean?

The hierarchy of exceptions is like a family tree with the most generic type of exception as the root, every branch becoming more specific. E.g., KeyError is also a LookupError and Exception but it is not, e.g., a SyntaxError.

You will learn more about these hierarchies and when we will talk about the Object Oriented Programming, classes and inheritance.

For the moment, it is enough to say that the exceptions are classes and that the more specific child exceptions inherit the properties of their generic generic parent. Namely, the Exception is the parent class of the LookupError and the LookupError is the parent classes of the KeyError exception. Therefore the KeyError has properties of LookupError and Exception exceptions.

For the full list of built-in exception see the Python documentation.

Handling Exceptions

Why there are so many built-in exceptions? Because this way we can more easily catch exceptions of specific error states.

It is not always desired that an exception kills our program. And we also cannot (or do not want to) cover all possible error conditions in the code where the exceptions are raised from.

Let me show you an example:

def prompt_number():
    answer = input('Enter some number: ')
    if not answer:
        return None
        number = int(answer)
    except ValueError:
        print('That is not a number! I will continue with 0')
        number = 0
    return number

print("Press ENTER to stop the script.")
while True:
    number = prompt_number()
    if number is None:
    print(f"Entered number: {number}")

Run the code and try different inputs. What happens if the input is not an integer number?

Invalid input does not cause an error, instead it gets replaced by 0.

So how does this work?

We call the int() function within the try block. If there is no error, this function is executed, it returns a value which is assigned to the number variable and leaves the try block.

In case of a ValueError exception raised by int() caused by an invalid input value, this exception is caught and the execution continues in the except ValueError block. There, a message is printed and 0 is assigned to the number variable.

In this case we specifically catch the ValueError exception. We could achieve the same by catching generic Exception, because, as you can see in the hierarchy above, ValueError is a specific type of Exception.

Don't catch'em all!

Try to be as selective as possible when catching the expected exceptions. There is no need to catch the most of the errors.

When an unexpected error happens it is much better to terminate the program rather than to continue with wrong values. When an unexpected error happens we want to know about it as soon as it appears. With the wrong values bad things will happen later in the code anyway and the real cause will be difficult to trace.

For example, catching the exception KeyboardInterrupt could have the side effect that the program couldn't be terminated if we needed to (with shortcut Ctrl+C).

Use the command try/except only in situations when you anticipate some exception, i.e., you know exactly what can happen and why, and you are able to fix the error state in the except block.

A typical example would be reading the input from a user. If the user enters gibberish, it is better to ask again until the user enters something meaningful:

>>> def fetch_number():
...     while True:
...         answer = input("Type a number: ")
...         try:
...             return int(answer)
...         except ValueError:
...             print("Oi! This is rubbish, mate! Do it again!")
>>> fetch_number()
Type a number: nan
Oi! This is trash, mate! Do it again!
Type a number: 42

Other clauses

Additionally to except, there are two more clauses - blocks that can be used with try, and these are else and finally.

The first one else will be run if no exception in the try block was raised. And finally runs every time and is executed even in the case of an uncaught exception and may be used even without any except clause. It is mostly used for clean-ups.

You can also have several except blocks. Only one of them will be triggered. The first one that can handle the raised exception.

Always catch more specific exceptions before the generic ones.

except ValueError:
    print("This will be printed if there's a ValueError.")
except NameError, KeyError:
    print("This will be printed if there's a NameError or KeyError.")
except Exception as e:
    print("This will be printed if there's some other exception.")
    # (apart from SystemExit a KeyboardInterrupt, we don't want to catch those)
except TypeError:
    print("This will never be printed")
    # ("except Exception" above already caught the TypeError)
    print("This will be printed if there's no error in try block")
    print("This will always be printed; even if there's e.g. a 'return' in the 'try' block.")


Let's add exception handling and proper input checking to our square size calculator from comparisons lesson.

Modify the code so that until the user enters a non-negative number the programs will keep prompting for the input again.
