
Programming is not just about writing code. It is important to verify that the code does what it should. The process of verification that the program works as expected is called testing.

You have probably already tested your programs by executing them. When you test your program, you usually enter some input data and print the result if it is correct.

This is okay for a small program, but it gets harder as the program gets bigger. Bigger programs have more options what they can do based on the possible user input and configuration. Their manual testing becomes time-consuming, especially when it needs to be repeated after every change, and it becomes more likely errors slip unnoticed into our code.

Humans are not very good at performing boring repetitive tasks, that is the domain of computers. And, not surprisingly, that is the reason why developers write the code that verifies their programs.

Installing the pytest library

Up to now, we have used only the modules that come installed with Python, for example, modules such as math or turtle. There are many more libraries that are not included in Python but you can install them to your Python environment and use them.

The library for testing in Python is called unittest. It is quite difficult to use this library so we will use a better one. We will install the library pytest which is faster, easier to use and very popular.

Submit the following command. (It is a command-line command, just as cd or mkdir; do not enter it into the Python console.)

$ python -m pip install pytest

What is pip and why do we use it?

pip is a Python command-line tool for installing 3rd-party Python libraries from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and other sources (e.g., Git repositories).

python -m pip install pytest makes Python to install pytest library from PyPI.

For help on how to use pip run python -m pip --help.

python -m <command> or just <command>

python -m <command> tells Python to execute a script from the Python module named <command> (e.g., python -m pip ...). In a properly configured Python environment, it should be possible to call the <command> directly, without the help of the python command (e.g., pip ...)

To save ourselves the trouble of unnecessary complications with a possibly misconfigured Python environment we recommend using the longer python -m <command> version.

Writing tests

We will show testing through a very simple example. There is a function add that can add two numbers. There is another function that tests if the add function returns correct results for specific numbers.

Make a copy of the code into a file named test_addition.py in a new empty directory.

The naming of files and test functions is important for pytest (with default settings). It is important for names of files containing tests and test functions to start with test_.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def test_add():
    assert add(1, 2) == 3

The naming of files and test functions matters

pytest scans your code and searches for the included tests. When found, these tests are executed.

By default, the names of the test files and the test functions must start with the test_ prefix in order to be recognized as tests.

What does the test function do?

The assert statement evaluates the expression that follows it. If the result is not true then it raises the AssertionError exception which is interpreted by pytest as a failing test. You can imagine that assert a == b does following:

if not (a == b):
    raise AssertionError

Do not use assert outside of test functions for now. For "regular" code, the assert has functionality that we will not explain now.

Running tests

You execute tests with the command python -m pytest -v <path> followed by the path to the file containing the tests.

You can omit the <filename> argument and then python -m pytest -v scans the current directory and runs tests in all files whose names start with the test_ prefix.

You can also use a path to a directory where pytest should searches for the tests.

This command scans the given file and calls all functions that start with the test_ prefix. It executes them and checks if they raise any exception, e.g., raised by the assert statement.

$ python3 -m pytest -v test_addition.py
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.3, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /tmp/test_example
collected 1 item

test_addition.py .                                                       [100%]

============================== 1 passed in 0.00s ===============================

If an exception occurs, pytest shows a red message with additional details that can help you find the bug and fix it:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.3, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /tmp/test_example
collected 1 item

test_addition.py F                                                       [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________________ test_add ___________________________________

    def test_add():
>       assert add(1, 2) == 3
E       assert 4 == 3
E        +  where 4 = add(1, 2)

test_addition.py:5: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test_addition.py::test_add - assert 4 == 3
============================== 1 failed in 0.01s ===============================

Try to run the test yourself. Modify the add function or (its test) so that the test fails.

Test modules

You do not usually write tests in the same file with the regular code. Typically, you write tests in another file. This way, your code is easier to read, and it makes it possible to distribute only the code, without the tests, to someone who is interested only in executing the program.

Split the test_addition.py file: Move the add function to a new module addition.py. In the test_addition.py file, keep only the test. To the test_addition.py file, add from addition import add to the top so the test can call the tested function.

The test should pass again.

Let's now try to add two different tests for a function for computing perimeter of rectangle from custom functions

def find_perimeter(width, height): 
    "Returns the rectangle's perimeter of the given sides" 
    return  2 * (width  +  height)
print(find_perimeter(2, 4)) # this is how you'd normally check result without "testing"


Executable modules

Automated tests are functions checking, with no manual intervention, that all features of the tested program work correctly. The testing does not give us 100% proof that the code is without errors but it is still better than no testing at all.

The automated tests make modification of the code easier as you can faster find possible bugs in the existing functionality (aka regressions).

Automated tests have to be able to run unattended. They are often executed automatically and the failures are reported via some sort of notification, e.g., by email.

Example Python Repository with pytest.

In practical terms, this means that the tests must not depend on live interaction with the user, e.g., the input function will not work in tests.

Can we test user interaction in automated tests?

There are testing techniques allowing us to emulate user interaction in the user interfaces. But is that beyond the scope of this course.

This can make your work harder sometimes. Let's look at a more complex project, the 1D (one-dimensional) tic-tac-toe.

If you do not have the 1D tic-tac-toe program, the following sections are only theoretical.

If you study at home, complete the 1D tic-tac-toe lesson before continuing. The task description is at one-dimensional tic-tac-toe

The structure of the 1D tic-tac-toe code looks roughly like this:

import random  # (and possibly other import statements that are needed)

def move(board, space_number, mark):
    """Returns the board with the specified mark placed in the specified position"""

def player_move(board):
    """Asks the player what move should be done and returns the board
    with the move played.
    input('What is your move? ')

def computer_move(board):
    """Places computer mark on random empty position and returns the board
    with the move played.

def tic_tac_toe_1d():
    """Starts the game

    It creates an empty board and runs player_move and computer_move alternately
    until the game is finished.
    while ...:

# Start the game:

As we described in modules lesson, if you import this module, Python executes all commands in it, from top to bottom:

  • The first command, import, initializes the variables and functions of the random module. It is module from the standard Python library it is unlikely that it would have any side effect to worry about.

  • The definitions of functions (def statements and everything in them) just define the functions but they do not execute them.

  • Calling the tic_tac_toe_1d function starts the game. The tic_tac_toe_1d calls the player_move() function which calls input(). This is an issue.

If you import this module to the tests, the input fails and the module does not get not imported.

If you want to import such a module from elsewhere, e.g., you would like to use move() in a different game, the import of the module itself will start the 1D tic-tac-toe game!

The calling of tic_tac_toe_1d is a side-effect and we need to remove it. Okay, but you cannot start the game without it! There are two ways of fixing it.

Splitting a module

We can create a new python file just for running the game, while the functions will stay in the old file. E.g., create a new file game.py and we move the tic_tac_toe_1d() call into it:

import tic_tac_toe


You cannot test this module because it calls input indirectly. But you can execute it if you want to play as python game.py

You can import the original module in test files or other modules without side effects.

A test for the original module could look like this:

import tic_tac_toe

def test_move_to_empty_space():
    board = tic_tac_toe.computer_move('--------------------')
    assert len(board) == 20
    assert board.count('x') == 1
    assert board.count('-') == 19

Run part of code only if module is executed directly

There is a special way to check if python only imports functions from a file or it directly runs it. It is possible by comparing value of a "magic" variable __name__.

The __name__ variable is available anytime you run a Python program and if it has value __main__, it was run from the main script. If not, it was only imported.

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now you can both import the original module in test files or other modules without side effects and run it to play the game.

Best Practices for Testing

  • Write Clear, Concise Test Cases: Each test should focus on a specific aspect of your code.
  • Use Descriptive Test Names: Test names should be descriptive about what they are testing.
  • Keep Tests Independent: Tests should not rely on each other.
  • Run Tests Regularly: Integrate testing into your continuous integration process (every time someone pushes to a repository).